What is a Verified Legal Opinion or CPA Document?
As part of the verification process for an Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate, the requestor might need to submit a Verified Legal Opinion or CPA document. Our EV Specialists will review your request to determine if either of these documents are necessary.
A Verified Legal Opinion must come from a lawyer (or equivalent if not in the United States) who is a member of the State Bar Association (or equivalent).
A CPA Letter must come from a certified public accountant (or equivalent), who is a member of their State Board of Accountancy (or equivalent).
The Verified Legal Opinion or CPA document helps to authenticate any or all of the following information for the certificate-requesting organization:
- Certificate approver: Name, title, agency and authorization
- Contract signer: Name, title, agency and authorization
- Place of business
- Phone number
- Operational experience
- Domain name exclusive right of use
- Domain name exclusive right of use knowledge