Editing Your Email Address Settings
After you set up an email address in our system, you can edit its settings in the Email Control Center.
NOTE: You can only modify the settings of one email address at a time.
To Edit Your Email Address Settings
- Log in to your Account Manager.
- Click Email.
- Next to the account you want to edit, click Launch.
- If you have unused email plans and have not previously disabled the pop-up message that displays, click View All to view your email plans.
- For the account with the email address you want to edit, click
(Show addresses).
- Click the email address you want to edit.
- (Optional) On the Settings tab, you can change the email account password, allocate storage space for the address, or make the address a catch-all. Select or enter the following:
- Change Password — Enter your password for this address.
- Confirm Password — Re-enter your password.
- Space for this mailbox — Enter the amount of storage space you want to allocate for this address.
- (Optional) Make this mailbox a catchall — Select if you want this address to receive all email messages ending in your domain name, regardless of what the user types before the @. For example, if this address is info@coolexample.com and you select this option, this address would also receive email sent to jane@coolexample.com.
- (Optional) On the Related Products tab, you can associate this email address with other products. Select or enter the following:
- Calendar — Select to set up this email address for your Calendar account. Specify the account to use, and enter your user name and password. For more information, see Setting Up Calendar Accounts.
- Online Storage — Select to set up this email address for your Online Storage account. Specify the account to use, and enter your user name and password. For more information, see Setting Up Online Storage.
- (Optional) On the Advanced tab, you can configure advanced settings for this email address. Enter or select the following:
- Send CC To — Enter the email address(es) you want to send a copy of each email message this address receives to. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
- SMTP Relays per day — Select the maximum number of messages per day that you can send from this address.
- (Optional) On the Auto Reply tab, you can send an automatic reply to each email message sent to this address. Select or enter the following:
- Use Auto Responder — Select to activate automatic messages.
- Message — Enter the message you want to send.
- From Name — Select this email address to send the automatic reply from, or select Custom name and enter another email address to send the reply from.
- Subject — Select Original subject, or select Custom subject and enter a subject.
- Start Time — Select Start Now, or select Start on and select the start date.
- End Time — Select No End time, or select End on and select the stop date.
- Reply Frequency — Select the reply frequency for the Auto Reply message.
- Click OK.
NOTE: It can take up to 15 minutes for your changes to take effect.