Why are certain domain names unavailable for backorder?
If the domain name you want to register is unavailable, under most circumstances, you can purchase a backorder for it. Domain Backorders is a service that helps you attempt to acquire a domain name when it becomes available for registration.
However, backorders are unavailable for domain names under the following circumstances:
- Single Backorder Policy — We allow only one backorder per domain name. Therefore, if another customer placed already placed a backorder on a domain name, then you cannot place a backorder on the same domain name as long as the original backorder remains effective.
- TLD Not Supported — We only support backorders for the following top-level domain names (TLDs): .biz, .com, .info, .me, .mobi, .net, .org, and .us.
- Blocked — We block customers from backordering certain domain names, such as our company's domain name.
For more information about the backorder process, see What are Domain Backorders?