About .tv Domain Names
The .tv country code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension that provides a highly-memorable Internet address and represents the country of Tuvalu. This domain name extension is closely tied to dynamic video content, making these domain names uniquely suited to websites associated with rich media.
Who can register .tv domain names?
Anyone can register .tv domains on a first-come, first-served basis.
Domain names can be up to 63 characters, with a minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & and #.
Which registry controls .tv domain names?
dotTV is the registry for .tv domains.
For how long can I register .tv domain names?
The minimum registration length for .tv domains is 1 year and they may be registered for a maximum of 10 years.
When do .tv domain names renew?
Auto-renewal of your .tv domain name is attempted on the its expiration date. If the renewal attempt fails, we re-attempt renewal 10 days later. If the second renewal attempt fails, we try again 5 days after that.
If we cannot auto-renew the domain name and you do not manually renew it by the 17th day after the expiration date, it must be redeemed. There might be a fee for the redemption. See Recovering Expired Domain Names for instructions on the redemption.
For example: Your .tv domain name expires on October 1. If your domain name does not renew automatically, you can renew it manually until October 18. For automatic renewals, we attempt to renew the domain name on October 1, October 11, and October 16.
Can I transfer .tv domain names to my account with you?
Yes. See Transferring Domain Names to Us for details on the transfer process.
How do I transfer .tv domain names from you to another registrar?
Details on transferring .tv domains out of your account with us, see Transferring Domain Names to Another Registrar.
Can I add privacy and protection to .tv domain names?
Both privacy and domain name protection services are available for .tv domains.
Can I backorder .tv domain names?
We do not currently support the backorder of .tv domain names.
Can I move .tv domain names to another account with you?
Yes. Find details on moving your .tv domain between accounts in Moving a Domain Name Out of Your Account
Can I update the contact information for .tv domain names?
Yes. You can make standard registrant and other contact name changes on your .tv domains. See Updating Your Domain Name Contact Information for further information.
Are there nameserver requirements for my .tv domain names?
No. Any valid nameservers can be used with your .tv domains.