Welcome to WordPress Blog Hosting
Welcome to your new WordPress® site. Before you dive in, there are a few things you should know about your new WordPress hosting account:
- Domain Name Settings — If your domain name is registered in a different shopper account or with another registrar, you must update your DNS settings. For more information, see:
- Migrating WordPress — If you already have WordPress set up elsewhere, see Moving Your WordPress Site to Us from Another Host for more information.
- FTP Account Information — Each hosting account comes with a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) account and personal FTP site for your use. Your FTP site is basically a directory (folder) on our Web server where your Web pages reside. When people visit your site, they are viewing the Web pages stored in your FTP directory. For more information, see Connecting to Your Hosting Account with FileZilla (FTP).
- Account Administrators — With the free Hosting Account Administrator service, you can give trusted individuals access to your hosting account — without having to give up your password. Appoint a single Account Administrator to manage all your hosting needs or assign multiple Account Administrators, each with their own specific roles and access limitations. For more information, see Working with Hosting Account Administrators.
Viewing Your WordPress Blog
Open your Web browser of choice and go to the domain name where you installed WordPress. If you've forgotten the address where you installed WordPress, just look in the email we sent to tell you the installation was complete.
You'll notice that your new blog looks pretty basic. Before you start changing the look of things, get familiar with the layout. This will help you later when you start to customize your site, as you'll know where everything is and, and most importantly, what everything is called. For more information, see Navigating WordPress.
Refer to our Getting Started with WordPress guide for additional information about authors, posts, pages, and more. Because you already have WordPress installed on your account, you can skip to the What's Next? section of the guide.
Initial Configurations to Consider
Before you get started, there are a few recommended settings we encourage you to check out:
- Upload limit — When you upload media files, you are restricted to a 30 MB upload limit. While You can increase this limit in the php5.ini file, we suggest that you leave it as it is. Increasing the upload limit can result in poor site performance.
- Permalinks — Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual blog posts, as well as categories and other lists of blog postings. We've already enabled permalinks for your site. But, you can change your permalink structure by clicking Permalinks in the Settings area in the menu. Once you specify a permalink structure, you should keep it that way, so other Web users can bookmark and link to your site.
- Theme — Chances are you'll want to customize the look and feel of your site. You can check out the WordPress theme library by clicking Themes in the Appearance area in the menu. Click Install Themes, and then click Search. Once you find a theme that suits your needs, click Install and WordPress handles the rest.
Finally, if you ever get hung up with WordPress terminology, check out WordPress Semantics and The WordPress Glossary.
You can find more help at the WordPress website, which offers resources on these subjects: