Why do expiring domain names have private Whois contact information?
Our system hides your contact information during your domain name's expiration period to protect you from harassment.
Prior to this change, domain investors could watch Go Daddy Auctions® for expiring domains of value. When they found domain names they wanted, they used the public Whois database to harass the current registrant into redeeming the domain and selling it directly to the investor. Many investors participated in this practice, and some even hire outsourced teams.
Now, our system updates expired domain names’ registrant, administrative, and technical contact information so potential buyers can’t contact the registrant during expiration.
Here's how the private contact information displays in the Whois database:
Registrant | Admin & Technical |
c/o GoDaddy.com, LLC
Go Daddy Redemption Services
Things you should know:
- If the private contact information for Domains By Proxy® already displays for a domain name during expiration, we won't change it.
- If you want to transfer the domain name away from us during the auto-renew grace period, we will automatically revert the private contact information to your original registrant information when you request the authorization code.
- We can revert private Whois information back to your original registrant information at any time.
NOTE: At this time we, cannot make all expiring TLDs private. We are working to provide this service for all TLDs in the future.