About Domain Name Appraisals
If you want to buy or sell a domain name, you need to know its value. A free, instant appraisal helps you identify your domain name's worth by providing an estimate of its current market value.
Our appraisals use an automated technique to determine the value of your domain name. Factors include the domain name's length, its number of words, its top-level domain name extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.), the presence of numbers or dashes in it, and its keyword popularity.
You can get an appraisal on our website or in the Domain Manager. For more information, see Requesting Domain Name Appraisals.
NOTE: We reserve the right to limit our appraisal service. For example, we might limit the number of domain names per appraisal request or the number of requests you can submit per day. When you request an appraisal, you must electronically accept the Domain Name Appraisal Service Agreement, which signifies that you have read, understand, acknowledge, and agree to be bound by such limitations.